Recordings from Meeting G2.4 on our Youtube channel

All those who want to take a look at the panels once again or have had the opportunity to attend the panels held at Meeting G2.4 Conference “A look in to the future”, from 12 to 14 November 2018 in Zagreb, now have the opportunity to do so on the Youtube channel – Meeting G2.
We’ve set up snapshots of seven panels and we invite you to visit the Meeting G2 on the Youtube channel. In the next period we will set up more interesting videos such as the G2 Meeting participants’ statements about what we will notify you through the newsletter.
Feel free to send us your suggestions and comments regarding the organization of the upcoming Conference. The topics we chose are the fruits of your interests and we believe that this is the right way to make a conference that will have the best results for the participants.
Visit the Meeting G2 Youtube Channel.