Highlights from the MG2.6 program

Day after day, we are witnessing new circumstances brought to us by the world’s pandemic. In order to survive and that in ever changing environment is a challenge for all businesses. In these testing times, we look to each other for support, and with this in mind this year’s G2 meeting, titled, ‘STRENGTH IN ADVERSITY” we will bring to you a number of success and inspirational stories and panelists. Listen to our local and international entrepreneurs who have succeeded in adapting with the times.
Join us on 16. – 17. 11. 2020. on the global and online G2.6 Meeting.
Register your place by following the link: REGISTER TO MG2.6.
Here are some new news on what to expect at the conference:
- While new business conditions are difficult for most companies, they create new opportunities for others. We are witnessing extremely favourable development and financial opportunities for some Croatian companies that have found exponential growth during the crisis.
You will learn firsthand about such businesses during the “STRONGER THAN VIRUSES” panel, held on both days of the Conference. Why two days? Well simply, in Croatia we have a multitude of excellent companies with ‘international’ success stories during these testing times.On day one of the Conference, moderator Aco Momčilović, will host the following panelists: Izet Ždralović (Microblink), Nikola Kapraljević (Infinum) and Matija Žulj (Agrivi).
These are highly successful IT companies – Microblink is a research and development company that develops its own computer vision technology optimized for real-time processing on mobile devices; Infinum is an agency that helps clients discover and take advantage of the next big thing in technology and is determined to make companies more efficient and make lives easier for people. Agrivi – agritech – software systems for the management and optimization of agricultural production, fundamentally changing the way agricultural forms work worldwide.On the day two of the Conference, moderator Ognjen Bagatin, a very successful Croatian entrepreneur, will host: Elda (Dario Marenić) and Geolux (Nikša Orlić).
- GO GLOBAL GO DIGITAL – In the “new normal”, the Croatian Chamber of Commerce has decided together with its partners to support its members by organizing an online B2B meetings that enable the seamless continuation of business, despite of the challenging times.Learn how the Croatian Chamber of Commerce has digitalized their B2B Meetings, and hear about their vision of keeping their members connected and engaged on their online platform.
The Croatian Chamber of Commerce will facilitate companies in presenting their Croatian products and services, as well as their specific requirements of cooperation or business needs, on their online platform. The platform will also allow members to discuss ideas and requirements online, as well as allow for online networking.
These are just two of many topics that await you – keep following us, and stay tuned for more news on what awaits for you on G2.6.
Do not forget to reserve your place today, by following the link: REGISTER TO MG2.6.